Reports in English
Recent reports of interest (please click to read the executive summary in English).
Supporting carers by removing obstacles in the development of respite solutions
Emilie Fauchier-Magnan, Prof. Bertrand Fenoll, Olivier Toche
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Facilitating the Use of Non-conventional Waters - Joint Flash Mission CGAAER -…
Emilie Seffray, Frédérique Simon-Delavelle (Igas), Bruno Locqueville (CGAAER), Céline Debrieu-Levrat, Bénédicte Guery (IGEDD)
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Assessment of the Economic Situation and Development Prospects of Nursing Care…
Carole Lepine, Bruno Vincent
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Inspection of the Marseille IHU (formerly managed by Prof. Didier Raoult)
Dr. Marie-Ange Desailly-Chanson, Marc Penaud, Laurent Vilboeuf (Igas), Stéphane Elshoud, Eric Piozin, (IGESR)
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The financing of trade unions: a comparative study of administration
Pierre de Saintignon, Jérôme Guedj, Holger Osterrieder, Valérie Saintoyant
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International comparison of complementary health coverage
Perrine Frehaut (Mission d’évaluation des politiques publiques), Tristan Klein (Centre d’analyse stratégique), Philippe Laffon …
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Reform of support for the family and social reintegration of former migrants in…
Bruno Drolez, Vincent Maymil, Jean-Marie Palach
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